Monday, July 20, 2009


va loan

A VA loan is a mortgage loan in the United States guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The loan may be issued by qualified lenders.

The VA loan was designed to offer long-term financing to American veterans or their surviving spouses (provided they do not remarry). The basic intention of the VA direct home loan program is to supply home financing to eligible veterans in areas where private financing is not generally available and to help veterans purchase properties with no down payment. Eligible areas are designated by the VA as housing credit shortage areas and are generally rural areas and small cities and towns not near metropolitan or commuting areas of large cities.

The VA loan allows veterans 100% financing without private mortgage insurance or 20% second mortgage. A VA funding fee of 0 to 3.3% of the loan amount is paid to the VA and is allowed to be financed. In a purchase, veterans may borrow up to 100% of the sales price or reasonable value of the home, whichever is less. Since there is no monthly PMI more of the mortgage payment goes directly towards qualifying for the loan amount, allowing for larger loans with the same payment. In a refinance, veterans may borrow up to 90% of reasonable value, where allowed by state laws.

VA loans allow veterans to qualify for loans amounts larger than traditional Fannie Mae / conforming loans. VA will insure a mortgage where the monthly payment of the loan is up to 41% of the gross monthly income vs. 28% for a conforming loan assuming the veteran has no monthly bills.

As of January 1, 2006, the maximum VA loan amount with no down payment is $417,000 and can be as high as $625,500 in certain high cost areas. VA also allows the seller to pay all of the veteran's closing cost as long as the cost do not exceed 4% of the sales price of the home.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

  A3 India

Hi guys i am Rajesh and i came from Bangalore.

I am coming up with a new server like A3 india which is same as A3 india.

and the good point is that i may (90 %) get the old database .

For that i need your help .

I have a friend working in the Chennai sify office. He has a access to the database , but the problem is that he cant just get the data base out of sify. Because they cant put any sorts of pen drive , or cant upload in the net . As the sify officials monitor all the computers in the office .

So what i am doing to do is to take information from you and manually enter the databases .

So now i cant go on doing this for each and every char, so my humble request is to please give your char name and char lvl , and the important thing is that please give char names above 130 only please .

For the chars above 130 the exact database will be replaced and other people have to make a new start.

so please comment your char names and level , and if i wont get the database i will not start a new server.

for more information frequently check my site here

we need your support.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

  Torrent protocal Explained

Many people out there do not know what a torrent is and what does a torrent does.

i will explain in this article .

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large file.

Bittorrent protocal allows easy share of files across the globe . Even a system of low bandwidth can participate in large data sharing files.


When any user uploads a file in to a network , he becomes a seeder and the file becomes a seeds. When another user requests the file he becomes the leecher also called peer.

Actually the file breaks into multiple parts the leecher downloads the part of file from the seeders . Multiple leechers can connect and download the part of the file frm the seeder. Eventually the leecher downloads the part of file or the file and he now acts as a seeder of the remaining leechers .

Thus we can download the big file with ease .

So whenever u wanna download a torrent , be sure to see the no .of seeds and peers . The more the seeds and peers the fast speeds you get.

Please comment and subscribe me .

In the next post i will tell you how to speed up your torrents downloads


  Check Your Internet Speed

Need to check your broadband internet speed ?
Need to know your connections and ping time?

There are many online testing websites where you get your download speeds, upload speed , connections , ping time etc .

You should have a good view of these stats as there are very important.

the following site are the best among many site see these


see the picture:


See picture

See these sites and plz comment if u known any more useful sites





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