Saturday, July 11, 2009

  Torrent protocal Explained

Many people out there do not know what a torrent is and what does a torrent does.

i will explain in this article .

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large file.

Bittorrent protocal allows easy share of files across the globe . Even a system of low bandwidth can participate in large data sharing files.


When any user uploads a file in to a network , he becomes a seeder and the file becomes a seeds. When another user requests the file he becomes the leecher also called peer.

Actually the file breaks into multiple parts the leecher downloads the part of file from the seeders . Multiple leechers can connect and download the part of the file frm the seeder. Eventually the leecher downloads the part of file or the file and he now acts as a seeder of the remaining leechers .

Thus we can download the big file with ease .

So whenever u wanna download a torrent , be sure to see the no .of seeds and peers . The more the seeds and peers the fast speeds you get.

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In the next post i will tell you how to speed up your torrents downloads


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Anonymous said...

thanks babe

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