Thursday, July 9, 2009

  Tips To Save The Bsnl Bandwidth

For Bsnl limlited plans say 250 , 500 etc plan, u need to save the bandwidth so that we may reduce the bill. Please check the bandwidth frequently for more info see this POST .

Now i will tell about some tips on saving the bandwidth. We may reduce the bandwidth by disabling the updates and may more .

Disabling Automatic updates :

1. Windows Automatic updates helps in increasing internet security. But, this online security proves costly when BSNL bandwidth is considered. So turning windows automatic updates can help to save BSNL Bandwidth of internet Broadband

* To turn on Windows Automatic update, Go to Control Panel -> Windows Update. In sidebar, click “Change settings”. In new dialog box, click on “Never check for updates” and hit OK.

2. Also, Firefox browser updates itself frequently. So, it is better to turn it off to save BSNL bandwidth. You can do this from Tools -> Options and using “advanced” tab and then “update” tab.

3. Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash player are similar example whose update needs to be stopped to save BSNL bandwidth. Similar other services need to be operated to stop their update.

If u have less bandwidth remaining u can remove the images loading . Trust me image take a lot of space .An average orkut page takes about 112 kb and if u browse 20 pages u will be using 2.1 Mb of bandwidth . So be carefull

Removing Images in firefox

# go to Tools tab > Options tabs >Content tab > there you uncheck (load images)

For Internet explorer

# Go to Tools>> Internet options >> Advance tab >>In that go down to mutlimedia and uncheck Show pictures


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